Jefferson County Health Department Phone: (618) 244-7134 4102 S. Water Tower Place Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
The Jefferson County Health Department was formed by referendum on November 4, 1992, by ballot. The Jefferson County T.B. Board was then dissolved by the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors and JCHD began operations in December 1992 with the appointment of the Board of Health. Administration started April 12, 1993, and program services began July 1,1993. Since July 1993, the services offered have been developing with continual expansion. In June of 2021 JCHD moved into our current location at 4102 S. Water Tower Place in Mt. Vernon after purchasing and renovating the building.
Eleven citizens of Jefferson County serve on the Jefferson County Board of Health. Board of Health members are appointed by the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors according to certain guidelines and expertise that they might offer. They serve without compensation. Drawing upon their base of knowledge and expertise, the Board of Health offers guidance and advice and sets policy. The Board of Health selects an Administrator to aid in carrying out legislative directives. The Administrator is then responsible for staffing and daily management of the health department as it strives to carry out its mission. With foresight, planning, and the dedication of our staff, we will continue to grow and serve the citizens of Jefferson County.
Our Mission
The Jefferson County Health Department’s mission is to promote and protect the health of all Jefferson County residents.
The Department’s creed is “Preventing Illness, Protecting Health, and Promoting Wellness”. To aid in accomplishing this for all Jefferson County residents, we have established and are developing several different programs and have staffed them with competent, professional people like yourself.