Jefferson County Health Department     Phone:  (618) 244-7134     Fax:  (618) 244-2640     4102 S. Water Tower Place Mt. Vernon, IL 62864

Mandated reporters, such as health care providers, schools and childcare facilities, hospitals, and laboratories, by law must report suspected or confirmed cases of certain infectious diseases electronically through Illinois’ National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (I-NEDSS). If they do not have access to I-NEDSS, they can report by mail, telephone, or fax to the Jefferson County Health Department

Tuberculosis Control 

Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious and potentially life-threatening disease transmitted through the air. While it can affect any part of the body (such as the brain, the kidneys, or the spine), TB usually affects the lungs. When first infected with the TB germ, people usually do not feel sick or have any symptoms, which is latent TB infection. However, they may develop active TB disease in the future, so treating the infection is important. Tuberculosis once was the leading cause of death in the United States; today in Illinois, less than 30 deaths a year are attributed to tuberculosis and the number of cases in the state has fallen more than 40 percent in the past 10 years.

What is Tuberculosis?

CDC Resource 

Mayo Clinic 

We offer Tuberculosis Skin testing on Mondays and Tuesdays at the Jefferson County Health Department.  Please call 618-244-7134 fore more information, or to set up an appointment

Monday-Thursday: 7:30AM-4:30PM  Friday-Sunday: Closed
Phone: (618) 244-7134   Fax: (618) 244-2640
4102 S. Watertower Pl  Mt. Vernon, IL 62864