Jefferson County Health Department Phone: (618) 244-7134 4102 S. Water Tower Place Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
No amount of lead exposure is safe for children. The most common source of childhood lead poisoning is from paint found in older homes. Childhood lead poisoning is considered a level of 5ug/dL or higher. The Jefferson County Health Department provides nurse home visits for any child with lead poisoning living in Jefferson County, to provide education on how to lower lead levels.
The Jefferson County Health Department offers free educational material and brief consultation with a Public Health Nurse regarding the prevention and detection of Lead poisoning. If a finger stick screening is needed to determine a child’s lead level, a nominal fee of $45.00 dollars is charged. Those blood draws are processed through the State of Illinois lab and results are typically available in 6- 8 weeks.
Jefferson County Health Department also provides finger stick Lead screenings for school age children. Call (618) 244-7134 for more information, or to schedule an appointment today.